Complementary Color Palettes

Complementary colors are color located across from each other on the color wheel.
They are Red and Green, Yellow and Purple, Blue and Orange.

In this exercise you will make as many variations of the complementary colors as you can.

Here is the layout plan for a piece of 16 x 20 canvas.:

Here is what it looks like mounted on cardboard. Notice that I indicated the colors at the top of each column.

In the first column try to create an many variation  you can of the complements Red and Green, plus white.

In the second column try to create an many variation you can of the complements Yellow and Purple, plus White.

In the third column try to create an many variation  you can of the complements Red and Green, plus White.

Value Exercise
In the final two columns divide the columns into five squares. In the top one, paint white. In the bottom one paint black. In the three middle squares add shades of gray. You want the shades of gray to graduate evenly between white and black. Do the next step before the columns dry.

Before the far right column dries, blend it uniformly from white to black.

Remove tape. Finished!
Now you have samples of complementary color palettes and basic color blending. Keep it for future color theory reference:


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